Puddles and Pudding

Yesterday I took a little walk through Belfast city centre, looking for inspiration but mostly getting soaked as I failed to dress in a wetsuit that day – weather! Anyhow, whilst hopscotching up the street trying to avoid puddles I landed upon a window dressed with colour, decadence and the pure indulgence one would suspect to find only on les rues de Paris.  It was of course one of Belfast’s newest bakeries Patisserie Mimi.  I must have stood slack jawed gazing into the window for at least five whole minutes before finding the use of my now sodden legs to go in and purchase a delicate treat.  And that I did!  May I present to you Taïnori Chocolate, Raspberry Financier, Pistacchio Truffle – a masterpiece of bittersweet silky chocolate mousse, tart raspberries and short, sweet buttery pastry that melted like candyfloss.  The best thing about taking this picture?  The satisfaction of devouring every crumb once I was finished!

Patisserie Mimi

The Lemon Polenta Cake

Just a quick note to kick off my blogging properly and to say “Hi!”

Last weekend saw me baking away on a lemon polenta cake (purely for the purposes of taking pictures of it, you understand…) and I’ve posted the results on my Facebook page as well. I’m happy with the way the picture turned out and in particular the happy accident of the icing – oozing down the cake! More soon!

lemon polenta